Save Soil - Solve Climate Change

Saving soil is the most important topic of our time


It’s a common misconception that dying soil is just another climate issue. 

Media says nothing about dying soil. Scientists have been warning us for decades. Climate change activists are split into factions. Government officials change so quickly, there is no consistent focus on saving soil.

This has resulted in:

  • losing an acre of soil every second
  • 60-70% of soils in Europe are in an unhealthy condition
  • 70% of the earth’s topsoil, the layer allowing plants to grow, is gone

What Can We Make – That Doesn’t Start with Soil?

Almost nothing. Global stability, machines and healthy humans are required to fix big climate problems. Healthy soil sustains all of these.

Articles on climate change never read the same again

Once you realize healthy soil is the basis of almost everything, articles on climate read in a whole new way.

Saving soil is a very uplifting focus because you can see how it solves many other issues at the same time.

We are the first generation with technology to prevent mass crisis.

Dying soil, is not just “another climate issue. It is THE issue.

The aim of the save soil movement is to get 192 nations to agree on a goal of 3% to 6% organic content in the soil. It is great to be in 2032, writing essays about “how we saved soil”. We have the capability to do it. We need willingness and focus. #savesoil – let’s make it happen.

Save Soil - Solve Climate Change

Why Every Environmentalist Should Demand 3% Organic Content in Soil


  • Soil is a very significant carbon sink
  • Soil is the largest water soak on the planet
  • 87% of life on the planet, depends on 36-39 inches of topsoil (on average). What can you build without soil?

In late 2021 Sadhguru and the Conscious Planet woke me up to the dying soil crisis. A lot of what I share about saving soil, comes from watching many hours of Sadhguru and scientists discussing saving soil; and reading blogs.

Sadhguru (65), yogi, Guinness World Records environmentalist, and founder of Isha Foundation, one of the largest volunteer run non profit’s in the world, has committed to ride 100 days, on a motorcycle, 30,000 KM, through 27 countries.

Saying this is an effort to bring a policy in 192 countries that if you own agricultural land, a minimum of 3-6% organic content should be there (in the soil). This is our responsibility for the future generation.”

Farmer Suicides & Income Must be Addressed

Farmer suicide rates are alarming. Farming is not easy or profitable for local farmers. The majority of farmers’ children, have no interest in farming.

Sadhguru advocates farming to be a well paid profession. Informing the United Nations, his mission is to facilitate the marriage of ecology and economy.

Organic content levels are easy to measure and verify.

Once a crop is done, soil often sits dry and unproductive. Pesticides push production. Both practices kill the microbial life required for healthy soil. Making it even harder on the farmer next year.

Two ideas to increase farmer income is with carbon credits and increased food prices, based on levels of organic content in the soil. Food grown in soil with 3% to 6% organic content, taste better, has more micronutrients and sequesters more carbon.

What Are Your Thoughts & Insights?

I welcome your input and conversation around this topic. It’s really critical our voices get loud to save soil.

Save Soil - Solve Climate Change

Climate Activists 💚 Let’s Unite


In just the last four decades, 40% of the world’s topsoil and 1/3 of the world’s farmable land has been lost. The Conscious Planet, save soil movement, is bringing a science and economic policy to all nations of the world, to establish farmer economic support and farming practices to create 3% to 6% organic content in the world’s farming soil.

Here are 2 big reasons, why we must unite to ensure our governments act on the Conscious Planet demands to save soil.

Farmers Not Incentivized to Keep Soil Healthy

Farmer suicides are growing at an alarming rate. Most children don’t want to take over the family farm. There is no support or financial incentive to create healthy soil. The Conscious Planet proposal to governments includes economic sustainability of farmers.

87% of life on the planet depends on soil. (PNAS, 2018)

Soil Sequesters Carbon

Carbon dioxide is a major factor in climate change and soil sequesters massive amounts of carbon.

Soil and vegetation have the potential to absorb and reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to the level it was before the Industrial Era began in 1850. (Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 2021)

To achieve 3% to 6% organic content in the soil, the land must have ground cover, which provides additional support to sequester carbon while increasing water retention.

If the world’s soils are not revitalized, they could release 850 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere due to global warming. This is more than humanity’s emissions in the last 30 years combined. (ScienceDaily, 2020)

#SaveSoil – Let’s Make It Happen

We have the opportunity and technology to come together and avert a crisis. That’s the history I want to create with you! Please reach out with any questions! Visit to learn more.

Online Success Tools to Build Skills

Ship 30 for 30 Coupon & Review (2022)

I’ve recently joined a digital writing community, Ship 30 for 30. Where the focus starts with helping people. Using data to confirm as you write you are impacting people. Then monetization is the focus.

I’ve been through a lot of online writing programs that immediately jump into how to grow the audience and turn it into money, but most people didn’t, including me.

Through a TwitterSpace event I heard from another woman entrepreneur about how Ship 30 for 30 (writing and publishing every day online for 30 days) transformed her life and brought almost instant results. The same is now happening for me.

This is the best valued course I’ve ever enrolled in – use my link for $100 off 👉 Jess Allen – Ship 30 for 30 – $100 Coupon

If you use my link to register, to let me know through  social media DM or my contact page.  I’m exploring the idea of hosting a mastermind group to help new Ship 30 for 30 crew members get up to speed.

Ship 30 for 30 only opens a few times a year. Experienced and novice writers join because it’s about how to succeed with digital writing.

The best part for me, is besides the extreme experience (and success) the team has.  The foundation is about help people first 🙏💚🙏 using data to confirm and direct, then plan for monetization.   Although it seems this “people first formula” produces monetization opportunities within weeks.

CELEBRATION:  I just completed Ship 30 for 30 – I wrote and published CONSCIOUSLY for 30 days.  First time in my life.

The (my / our) Ship 30 for 30 community and program is a great addition to any online venture.

PS. Their YouTube, Twitter and LinkedIn is full of great content. Use it to prepare for the upcoming August 2022 cohort.

Use my link for $100 off 👉 Jess Allen – Ship 30 for 30 – $100 Coupon

PSS.  This post isn’t perfect.  The old me, would have waited until everything was perfect.  Now, on the day of the idea, the first draft is out to you.  thank you for being with me on this new journey of being a consciously publishing digital writer.

PSSS.  #SaveSoil – let’s make it happen (faster)

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 DYM do your meditation (see my blog post on best free meditation on the planet)


? DYOR do your own research

Isha Foundation for Meditation & Yoga

Best Free Meditation on the Internet

Meditating for Mental Health is a mantra our country and world should adopt.  It’s clear mental health issues are a massive issue right now.  And meditation has been proven as a method to help with the whole spectrum of issues.  However, meditation requires people to have the time and space to just sit and do nothing.  Unfortunately, our society has never promoted people’s ability to sit eyes closed and do nothing. 

Now I know people say “I can’t sit still with my eyes closed, and that is the power of the process! When we humans can achieve it, our mental health is impacted in big ways.

The Isha Kriya meditation (see video below) – makes it very easy to get started.  Don’t do the placebo method on yourself and say “if its so easy and basic it must not be that great” – it’s truly transformational.  Especially if you’re committed to your mental health where you do it daily and even better – twice daily!  Yes I know that’s a huge commitment to your mental health.   

Mediation is also free to do at home, so its an incredible method for bringing down the cost of health care and the only side effects are you feel better.  Verses the meds people get put on now, help for the moment, but then when people try to get off their meds they feel worse than before… its a horrible cycle many people are stuck in right now.

If you are seeking better mental health, I can say from my own experience, devotion to meditation has been huge.  Daily devotion is even more powerful!  I know because I have fallen out of my daily devotion after doing it for several months in a row and feel the difference in my mental stability.   As things start to feel chaotic again, I return to my consistent meditation practice and things start to get better.

Background Info

8 Months Later – My Second Blog Post

Wow – I was shocked to look at the date of my last blog post and see it was almost 8 months ago.

Blogging has been my lowest priority and with no intention to write a regular blog, 8 months has flown by.  It’s also fun to write this post, not being stressed about when the next post will be.

I love to write, yet I’ve paused writing for myself because there has been no big goal, no clear intention.  Yet I knew I wanted to create my blog site and post when I felt compelled to post.  Today when inspiration ignited me, I was happy I could log right in and get typing.

So instead of blogging what have I been doing?  Staying busy volunteering to help expand awareness about the incredible benefits of program designed by

While also spreading the word about the most incredible yoga meditation space in the western hemisphere,  just outside of Nashville Tennessee, (Institute of Inner Sciences).  I’ve been to (iii – triple i as we call it) four times now and wow it’s a tranquil and transformational place to spend (experience) time.  I hope someday you take the opportunity to soak in the divine energy there.  A 4 day Inner Engineering Retreat is offered a few times a year – totally worth the investment of time and money.  Your family, your finances and your inner world will overflow with gratitude forever.

Sadhguru is my guru now…

When you go through one of Sadhguru’s programs, you will understand why I bow my head when I see him or his picture.   You will understand why I search youtube tirelessly for Sadhguru’s insights on any issue or intention I have in life.  His wisdom is consistent and consistently brings joy, well being and prosperity to my situations.

Sadhguru is my guru now… I bow my head in total respect to this incredible human who works tirelessly to improve well being for all humanity and planet earth.  Sadhguru does much more than teach yoga and meditation around the world.  He inspires more than 10 million volunteers to assist his non-profit Isha Foundation in many ecological and social improvement projects.

What inspired me to write today is to share that Sadhguru is offering his content to be freely used.  I feel like I’m living in a dream as a social media fanatic…

Defintion:  I describe myself as a social media fanatic because I know it to be an incredible tool for creating world transformation and individual transformation.  I help as many people as I can understand the value of using social media to connect with people around the world.

My guru has just created the opportunity for me to write about his content in relation to whatever I want and monetize it.   I am confident I can happily spend many decades writing about Sadhguru…  ask anyone who knows me – they will confirm!

What most teachers would consider “theirs” and never allow anyone to “copy” or “reproduce” – Sadhguru has said he wants this information to reach as many people as possible around the world.  His dream is that all 7 billion plus people on the planet be empowered with these tools for self transformation and blissful living.

So 8 months later…  I have a dream manifesting… a vision coming to life… blogging about things that inspire me… creating income while empowering others… walking the yogic path…

To live life as a #YogiNextDoor is one filled with adventure for sure.

Will I have time to blog and share… I sure intend to.

What exactly will I share???   I am excited to get clear on that myself… right now it feels as if 10 different blogs is a better fit to represent each of my personalities and perspectives…  you and I will both find out together.

Let us both be devoted to our daily sadhana… daily devotion is a divine momentum!

May we live in a world where all humans are given the time, silence and space to turn inward.  To sit and do nothing.  There is much healing when we sit and do nothing…. only robots and AI make it possible for this generation to sit and do nothing (some of the time!) yoga and meditation don’t have to take the whole day and I would love to see “time, silence and space” for yoga and meditation to be a human right…



Inner Engineering Isha Foundation for Meditation & Yoga RallyForRivers

my focus these days

One of them right now ( – see below) has a very short window to help make a global difference.  So I will keep this post brief and share I am JOYFULLY investing as much time as possible into:

  1. Living Inner Engineering.  Inner Engineering is a non profit program, offered by, an international non profit aimed to bring well-being to everyone through yoga and meditation.
  2. Being a loving mom, modeling the example of Inner Engineering.  Wow the world of parenting has shifted for me again.
  3. Promoting Inner Engineering to anyone and everyone who is open to receive the long list of historical and medical stats that show Inner Engineering is a world wide program for total (and lasting!) transformation.
  4. Raising global awareness for #RallyForRivers – Isha Foundation campaign to save India’s rivers which are running dry.  People from India understand the call to action “Give a missed call to 80009 80009”.  In India this is how people put a vote into their government to create awareness and action.

Isha Foundation is amazing for its work with individuals WHILE ALSO contributing to planet earth through tree and water restoration. #wow. – an awareness campaign to India’s dying rivers.  Many global rivers face the same issue. has a a proposal that has never been attempted by any country before.  If you drink water and care about future generations who will drink water, take time to get to know this campaign.  Don’t dismiss it because the message sounds strange and the people in the picture might too.

Drinking water running dry is happening everywhere.  India is offering to test a potential world wide solution.  Search #RallyForRivers in your favorite social media too.  Contribute to the awareness campaign.  Find me and say hello!

Another project sponsored by Isha Foundation and Sadhguru in 2004 that has now inspired more than 30 million trees to be planted.

With over 15 years of digital marketing and a passion for improving systems… my heart is full to the brim to bring it to these humanity shifting projects.





8 Hours Sleep, a Myth to Keep Our Best Selves Occupied?

Is 8 to 9 hours of sleep a myth that has been keeping our best selves occupied?

My friends who care say… sleep more Jess… get your 8 hours in. 9 hours if you can squeeze it in

I am following a guru, who says humans can get by on 5 to 6 hours of sleep.  less when really inspired and still be fully healthy.  (huge paraphrase by Jess)

NOT TRUE!! you gasp – I know every internet article and medical professional says opposite.

I like to research the wisdom of teachers I follow.  Are they really doing good things in the world?  Is there an authentic community supporting a great vision?

Sadhguru impressed me from the beginning (after 15 years of personal development investing easily over $100,000), his truth resonated deep within me.

Sadhguru regularly speaks on the stage at the United Nations, leading Universities, with global leaders and more.  Over 7 million world wide volunteers help Isha Foundation (his almost 30 year non profit) do good works: feed the hungry, heal the sick, educate the impoverished, relieve stress for the many.

Sadhguru’s Project Green Hands is in the Guinness Book of world record for planting the most saplings in one day.  He’s on a mission to bring joy, fun and trees to the world.  My kinda guru.

I took the course Inner Engineering, which Sadhguru personally created decades ago and now volunteer teachers host Inner Engineering courses all around the world.  No teacher is paid… they do it because they believe in what they are teaching.

Inner Engineering has millions of people as testimonials and approved for medical and well-being professionals to receive CME credits for attending.

Sadhguru explains extensively why the body does not need 8 hours of sleep and how to sleep less while increasing well-being.

It is not my intention to try and teach Sadhguru’s work.

It is my intention to share videos that have helped me understand this new way of thinking.

Its clear many things have been taught to us that have turned out to be the opposite.  There once was a time when FastFood and Cigarettes were considered normal and helpful.

I will add my list of favorite videos as I come across them.  Here are a few to start.  Keep in mind you will hear things no one told you… be open to new ways of thinking.  The fruit shows the root

Share your comments, would love to have a conversation about this topic.  I am busy so won’t be able to respond right away… but I will… and over time authentic community will gather here to talk about really important topics that can help all of us.

Much love appreciation and gratitude for you and everything else in the cosmos, including the creator.
