
Free Hack to Block Blue Light on iPhone Screens

Dr. Jack Kruse is the expert MD who can explain in great detail the biological benefits of blocking blue light from our iPhone screens. YouTube is full of Dr. Jack Kruse free content. He’s deep dive into how the biology works is behind a $5.00 per month Patreon paywall, which I gladly pay. In addition to $100 per month gold membership which gives me access to Jack’s monthly live Q&As.

It’s through Jack that I realized the EXTREME importance of blocking artificial blue light whenever possible.

For my phone, I have two tools that I have installed to block blue light:

  1. First, I purchased from Solar Powered Rusty @ze_rusty (X and insta) that creates one tap – iPhone shortcuts – to turn off blue light, disable wifi, bluetooth, etc.

    All in one click – one tap zap is pretty cool, very affordable (under $20) and I love supporting creators who are students of Jack Kruse and invest their time educating the rest of us on how important circadian health is and practical tips on how to improve it. Support Rusty’s work by buying one tap zap here (not an affiliate link):
  2. A free (less features) option – is the side button “triple click” to instantly turn the screen red.

    This is a free hack you can setup on your iPhone. The YouTube instructions provided by Paul Saladino MD (he used to be super carnivore, moved closer to the equator and started adding fruit and Nature’s sugar back in and has improved his health even more.

    I really appreciate and admire an MD whose’s big message was one way (meat only) and shows he is able to drop his ego and adopt a new way of being (and sharing with the world).

    As Dr. Paul hacks his health through removing toxic artificial blue light, he shared this free hack via YouTube. This hack turns the screen red and removes a lot of the artificial blue light (which creates problems with cortisol, insulin and melatonin – which creates problems with sleep, hormones, gut health and more)

    This health hack is easy to setup – it took me less than 5 minutes.

    I learned about this hack months ago, tried to get it setup once before and failed.

    It helped to have a mitochondria friend who recommended it (again) and had their phone to help me set it up. Having mitochondria (mito) friends is very beneficial for fun and longevity.