
8 Hours Sleep, a Myth to Keep Our Best Selves Occupied?

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Is 8 to 9 hours of sleep a myth that has been keeping our best selves occupied?

My friends who care say… sleep more Jess… get your 8 hours in. 9 hours if you can squeeze it in

I am following a guru, who says humans can get by on 5 to 6 hours of sleep.  less when really inspired and still be fully healthy.  (huge paraphrase by Jess)

NOT TRUE!! you gasp – I know every internet article and medical professional says opposite.

I like to research the wisdom of teachers I follow.  Are they really doing good things in the world?  Is there an authentic community supporting a great vision?

Sadhguru impressed me from the beginning (after 15 years of personal development investing easily over $100,000), his truth resonated deep within me.

Sadhguru regularly speaks on the stage at the United Nations, leading Universities, with global leaders and more.  Over 7 million world wide volunteers help Isha Foundation (his almost 30 year non profit) do good works: feed the hungry, heal the sick, educate the impoverished, relieve stress for the many.

Sadhguru’s Project Green Hands is in the Guinness Book of world record for planting the most saplings in one day.  He’s on a mission to bring joy, fun and trees to the world.  My kinda guru.

I took the course Inner Engineering, which Sadhguru personally created decades ago and now volunteer teachers host Inner Engineering courses all around the world.  No teacher is paid… they do it because they believe in what they are teaching.

Inner Engineering has millions of people as testimonials and approved for medical and well-being professionals to receive CME credits for attending.

Sadhguru explains extensively why the body does not need 8 hours of sleep and how to sleep less while increasing well-being.

It is not my intention to try and teach Sadhguru’s work.

It is my intention to share videos that have helped me understand this new way of thinking.

Its clear many things have been taught to us that have turned out to be the opposite.  There once was a time when FastFood and Cigarettes were considered normal and helpful.

I will add my list of favorite videos as I come across them.  Here are a few to start.  Keep in mind you will hear things no one told you… be open to new ways of thinking.  The fruit shows the root

Share your comments, would love to have a conversation about this topic.  I am busy so won’t be able to respond right away… but I will… and over time authentic community will gather here to talk about really important topics that can help all of us.

Much love appreciation and gratitude for you and everything else in the cosmos, including the creator.


One reply on “8 Hours Sleep, a Myth to Keep Our Best Selves Occupied?”

I can agree with this 100% I rarely ever sleep 8 hours a day unless I am running around like a blue arse fly all day and then I zonk out for a full night’s sleep. I usually have a flurry of ideas and inspirations come to me between 3-5 am which are my most explosive hours of the day. Thanks for this great insight and reminding me that I don’t always need to have 8 hours a day in dream land..

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