
Free Hack to Block Blue Light on iPhone Screens

Dr. Jack Kruse is the expert MD who can explain in great detail the biological benefits of blocking blue light from our iPhone screens. YouTube is full of Dr. Jack Kruse free content. He’s deep dive into how the biology works is behind a $5.00 per month Patreon paywall, which I gladly pay. In addition to $100 per month gold membership which gives me access to Jack’s monthly live Q&As.

It’s through Jack that I realized the EXTREME importance of blocking artificial blue light whenever possible.

For my phone, I have two tools that I have installed to block blue light:

  1. First, I purchased from Solar Powered Rusty @ze_rusty (X and insta) that creates one tap – iPhone shortcuts – to turn off blue light, disable wifi, bluetooth, etc.

    All in one click – one tap zap is pretty cool, very affordable (under $20) and I love supporting creators who are students of Jack Kruse and invest their time educating the rest of us on how important circadian health is and practical tips on how to improve it. Support Rusty’s work by buying one tap zap here (not an affiliate link):
  2. A free (less features) option – is the side button “triple click” to instantly turn the screen red.

    This is a free hack you can setup on your iPhone. The YouTube instructions provided by Paul Saladino MD (he used to be super carnivore, moved closer to the equator and started adding fruit and Nature’s sugar back in and has improved his health even more.

    I really appreciate and admire an MD whose’s big message was one way (meat only) and shows he is able to drop his ego and adopt a new way of being (and sharing with the world).

    As Dr. Paul hacks his health through removing toxic artificial blue light, he shared this free hack via YouTube. This hack turns the screen red and removes a lot of the artificial blue light (which creates problems with cortisol, insulin and melatonin – which creates problems with sleep, hormones, gut health and more)

    This health hack is easy to setup – it took me less than 5 minutes.

    I learned about this hack months ago, tried to get it setup once before and failed.

    It helped to have a mitochondria friend who recommended it (again) and had their phone to help me set it up. Having mitochondria (mito) friends is very beneficial for fun and longevity.
Save Soil - Solve Climate Change

Soil Extinction Solutions are Being Discussed at the World Economic Forum (take 3 minutes to send an email to voice your support)

From May 21 to 24, 2022, Sadhguru will be in Davos, presenting on soil extinction and the solution to establish a minimum of 3% organic content as living soil.

The Save Soil website has a simple “send letter” generator that took me 3 minutes to message my President. Take a few minutes and express your care for soil.

The World Economic Forum is Listening:

The save soil movement aims to activate 3.5 billion people in voicing our care for soil. Digital writing campaigns like this make it possible.

Here’s how:

Step 1: Go to

The WRITE page makes it fast and simple.

The content is already created, all you have to do is invest a few minutes of time to copy, paste, click.

Step 2: Scroll down a bit – click SEND LETTERS

Pick your country and you will see names of your top officials. Or geo-location will pick it for you.

You may have the option to contact more than one person. If you are busy, send just one message. I contacted all 4 I was offered. Twitter handles were also included so I tweeted too. Do what you can.

Step 3: When done, smile and click I HAVE SENT MY LETTERS

Smile, knowing your care for soil is now counted.

It is our generational responsibility to leave healthy soil for the next life on earth. Thank you for taking the time to send a message and show your support for solving soil extinction.

Please share this post and let me know if I can answer questions.

Save Soil - Solve Climate Change

5 Reasons Busy Moms Who Care About Climate Change, Need to Share the Soil Health Solution (it takes minutes a day to spread hope)

On December 5, 2021 I learned about earth’s soil extinction crisis.

While also learning “the good news”, experts agree on a solution: healthy soil, defined as a minimum of 3% to 6% organic content in soil.

As a mom you want your kids to inherit a healthy, sustainable planet. Heat has been rising, wild weather is wreaking havoc, food shortages are happening. It’s clear our planet is in trouble. I had been feeling helpless and concerned.

Here are 5 reasons that motivate me to share about healthy soil:

  1. It increases micronutrients in food, improving mental health and immunity.
  2. It’s an effective solution for climate change by sequestering more carbon than all plants and atmosphere.
  3. Food production stays steady, preventing famine and wars, where children and women suffer most through starvation and exploitation.
  4. Farmer suicide is at an alarming rate. The Conscious Planet solution being reviewed by 195 nations, increases farmer income. You must help secure the next generation of people who grow your children’s food.
  5. Global consciousness increases because in order to care about soil, you must recognize soil connects you to every other life on the planet.

As a busy mom, odds are you talk to a lot of people! I’ve found sharing this message uplifts my day and others.

For free resources on how to share the soil health solution, go to Let me know if you do—I’d love to connect with you (and answer any questions you have getting started!).

Save Soil - Solve Climate Change

If you care about soil health but don’t think helping for 10 minutes a day is impactful (✌️YOU ARE SO WRONG ✌️)

In a social media, blockchain connected world, 10 minutes a day can create massive awareness.

I find inspiration in Sadhguru’s reminder that Jesus impacted the world with only 12 people. Buddha brought peace to many with 100 people. Neither had a microphone or smart phone so results have been slower. With your smartphone and a focused message, you can help speed up how quickly we fix our soil health and environment

Unfortunately, so many people who care about planet health, think 10 minutes a day doesn’t matter.

Social Media Makes Rapid World Change Possible

Save soil facts are so horrible people shy away from getting involved:

  • 40 to 50 years of agriculture soil left on the planet
  • by 2045, 40% less food with a population of 9+ billion people
  • food shortages will cause mass suffering and starvation

GOOD NEWS: science says with focused effort, we can prevent the soil crisis (and fix climate change).

Here is how you can help:

Register to be an Earth Buddy

Register to be an Earth Buddy and learn a variety of ways to help. – register to receive email and text updates.

Attend an Earth Buddy Live Webinar

Join one of the weekly live Earth Buddy webinars.

Get actionable tips, inspiration and a Q&A segment. Live events are great when you’re a new Earth Buddy!

Share the Movement in Person

Local outreach is important too!

You can make big impact by sharing the movement in just 10 minutes a day. People who care about our planet are so happy to hear from you. Let me know if you have questions. 💚💚💚

Save Soil - Solve Climate Change

How Scientists Can Help Stop Soil Extinction (sooner)

On May 10, 2022 – Conscious Planet presented to 194 nations a global solution to end the dying soil crisis.

Almost every major ecological crisis can be tied to dying soil. Creating a global policy for healthy soil immediately starts solving many of these issues.

If you are a scientist or expert in the environmental arena, your voice can help make this draft policy better. 👇

Visit and click on Soil to request a copy of the draft policy.

The global save soil policy is drafted, your expertise can make it better.

Please note, this is a sincere effort to develop a policy for soil regeneration on the planet, based on soil types, latitudinal positions, and agricultural traditions of a given nation. (Conscious Planet Website 2022)

Save Soil - Solve Climate Change

How to be an Earth Buddy 101

How to be an Earth Buddy 101 Over the past 60 days I have been an Earth Buddy, investing at least 10 minutes day sharing the save soil movement with others Awareness is needed to solve the dying soil crisis. Here are 2 simple and fun things you can do as an Earth Buddy: 🧵👇

Invest minutes a day on the Conscious Planet twitter page 👉 @cpsavesoil • Like and share posts • Watch one minute updates – like this one 👉 When you like, share and view, it communicates your care for soil and your government is paying attention 💚

Learn the Save Soil Anthem Volunteer spiritual musicians @soundsofisha & King of Soca @MachelMontano contributed • Music video 👉 • Sing it, all energy contributes • It is singable in any language My kids and I have fun singing and dancing for soil

TL;DR: 2 simple fun ways you can help prevent soil extinction • Like, share updates from Conscious Planet like this one 👉 • Learn and sign the save soil anthem (in any language) 👉

If you found this thread valuable: 1. Gift me a follow for more threads on save soil and the progress we are creating together → @THEJessAllen

Save Soil - Solve Climate Change

3 impactful ways busy parents can help solve soil extinction, in less than 30 minutes (so your kids and grandkids can escape the crisis)

At the end of 2021, I was made keenly aware of how much suffering my kids and grandkids would be exposed to if we do not take immediate action to save soil.

Conscious Planet’s Save Soil movement is to implement a global policy to define healthy soil. In less than 30 minutes, you can share a few resources and make a big impact.

In 15-25 years, your kids and grandkids will know you helped save soil 💚

Share Save Soil’s Corporate Program with Favorite Companies

Help your favorite companies learn about save soil’s corporate program.

Many companies have budgets to help the environment. (under Resources) has a collaboration section with four ways corporates can support the movement. Invest a few minutes to share the good news with your favorite companies.

Share Save Soil’s Students & Teachers Program

Help the teachers, bring soil health education into the classroom.

It’s kids and their kids, that have the most to lose if we don’t stop soil from dying., under the Resources collaboration section, offers three ways students can be involved, including a lesson plan for teachers! Encourage your children’s teacher to get involved.

Connect Experts with the Save Soil Plan

Connect scientists and other experts with the save soil draft policy.

On (under Soil), experts can request to review the policy that was presented to 194 nations on May 10, 2022 at COP15. Share with experts you know that can provide input to make it better.

We are the first generation to have the tech to fix big problems. Let’s be a model to our kids and end soil extinction before it becomes a bigger crisis. Thank you for your time and please let me know if you have any questions.

Save Soil - Solve Climate Change

What makes a yogi qualified to save soil? Experience and consciousness.

Sadhguru is a yogi mystic on a motorcycle. Known for transforming a billion lives and mass mobilizing for environmental causes. 🔥 Soil extinction is a real threat Sadhguru has launched Conscious Planet and Save Soil to end it, here’s what makes him qualified 🧵👇

In 2004, Sadhguru’s Project Green Hands • inspired children, adults and farmers to plant 38 million saplings • in just one day, 850,000 saplings were planted • achieving a Guinness Book of World Records

In 2017, he launched Rally for Rivers • inspired 162 Million people to get involved • the United Nations described this as the world’s largest ecological movement • Conscious Planet Save Soil is on pace to be break this record

In 2019, Sadhguru’s Cauvery Calling began • creating a standard for how rivers get revitalized in India • the aim is to rejuvenate a river that impacts the lives 84 Million people • the plan is to plant 2.4 billion trees by 5 million farmers

On May 10, 2022, Sadhguru presented to 194 nations, the importance of focusing on soil health Hear Sadhguru’s 4 minute presentation here 👉

TL;DR – Sadhguru has extensive experience and he’s qualified to lead the save soil conversation • 2014 #ProjectGreenHands • 2017 #RallyforRivers • 2019 #CauveryCalling • 2022 #ConsciousPlanet and #SaveSoil 💚 if all nations focus now, we can stop soil extinction 💚

If you found this thread valuable: 1. Gift me a follow for more threads on Sadhguru and Save Soil (and occasionally bitcoin, blockchain and crypto) → @theJessAllen 2. Here’s another similar thread you might enjoy:

Save Soil - Solve Climate Change

Feeling hopeless about climate change, while working hard to reverse it?

In 1987 all nations of the world agreed to the Montreal Protocol, a single pointed solution to fix the hole in our ozone layer.

The ozone was fixed but for decades since, the climate crisis expands without one focused solution.

On May 10, 2022, Sadhguru, a well-known yogi and mystic with decades of experience implementing environmental solutions, presented to 194 nations a solution for the dying soil crisis. Stating, that if soil dies, no other climate problems matter. The solution is easy to implement, simple to measure and provides at least 3 economic incentives.

So, if you’ve been feeling defeated by climate issues, saving soil, saves climate and so much more:

To hear Sadhguru’s 4 minute COP15 presentation to 194 nations, visit Conscious Planet (@cpsavesoil) or Sadhguru (@SadhguruJV) twitter pages. The save soil proposal is a viable global solution that solves many big problems. It is sure to fill you with hope and inspiration. Would love to hear how saving soil makes you feel?

Save Soil - Solve Climate Change

The dying soil crisis is the most urgent global issue of our time 

The dying soil crisis is the most urgent global issue of our time 🔥

If you care about: • creating jobs • preventing famine • fixing climate change Here’s how you can invest 3 minutes to send an extremely impactful email to your political leader today 🧵👇

194 nations are deciding on a proposal to establish a global standard for healthy soil. #SaveSoilatCOP15 Science and farmers agree, a minimum of 3% organic content in soil makes a huge impact on: • food production • carbon sequestering • micronutrients in food

if you could improve climate change in 3 minutes – would you?  It took me less than 3 minutes to: • message my President • voice my support for a global soil health standard

“If we act now, in the next 15 to 25 years, we can turn this around. If we act after 50 years, it will take 200 to 500 years to turn this around” @SadhguruJV #COP15 #savesoil

The steps are simple: • go to • select country and leader • copy message, paste, send • click I HAVE SENT MY LETTERS • Smile, knowing your care for soil is now counted

The TL;DR Earth’s dying soil crisis needs 3 minutes from you • billions of dollars already exist for climate • it’s urgent we demand our governments focus • farmers must be incentivized to keep soil healthy • send a letter to your political leader 👉